Gossip Girl here.

Your one and only source for the truth behind the scandalous lives of New York's elite. Been a minute. Did you miss me? I know I've missed you. Though you're probably going to wish I'd stayed away when I'm done. Because I can see you. The real you. The one hiding just outside the edge of frame. Well, it's time to reframe that picture. And who am I? That's one secret I'll never tell.

You know you love me.

. . .


Well, well, well! Looks like our H is getting more comfortable in the role of her life... Flashing smiles left and right, as if she didn’t just show up on the red carpet as the plus-one of a certain handsome, disgustingly rich guy we’ve all been crushing on since he recited French poems in first grade. I think this fairytale fits her perfectly, but... Word on the street is that her real self is catching up to her. Will the secret finally come out? And how will her Prince Charming react to it all? After all, she’s a sweet, hardworking girl, always there to offer a shoulder to cry on over coffee... Maybe this story really will have a fairytale ending. Well, we’ll see. Whether it’s “happily ever after” or not, you know I’ll be here to spill all the tea... or coffee!

You can't hide from me.




Kto z Was pami臋ta te specjalne audycje w szkolnym radiow臋藕le, wielkie lizaki w kszta艂cie serc czy r臋cznie zdobione kartki (obsypane tak膮 ilo艣ci膮 brokatu, 偶e jego drobinki dalej znajdowa艂a艣 w plecaku przez kolejne miesi膮ce)? Ach, stare dobre czasy. Ciekawe, czy moja pierwsza walentynka dalej mnie pami臋ta... My艣l臋, 偶e tak. C贸偶, sk艂ama艂abym, gdybym powiedzia艂a, 偶e 艂atwo o mnie zapomnie膰.
W tym roku przychodz臋 Wam z... pomoc膮. Tak, wiem, to troszk臋 dziwne. B臋d臋 nikim innym, a Waszym personalnym Kupidynem! Podkochujesz si臋 w tej dziewczynie z roku? Tw贸j instruktor fitness rozpala nie tylko Twoje mi臋艣nie? A mo偶e chcesz, bym wyszepta艂a s艂odkie s艂贸wka Twojej drugiej po艂贸wce?
U偶yj formularza (anonimowo lub nie), by wyla膰 wszystkie swoje uczucia, a reszt膮 zajm臋 si臋 ja!

Ka偶da posta膰, do kt贸rej dotrze walentynka, otrzyma ode mnie 200 followers贸w!

Ze wzgl臋du na prowadzony remont czas wydarzenia zosta艂 przed艂u偶ony: wiadomo艣ci mo偶na przesy艂a膰 do ko艅ca pi膮tku, 17.02. W weekend mo偶ecie spodziewa膰 si臋 mojego posta walentynkowego. B臋dzie ca艂u艣nie, s艂odko i gor膮co!

P. xoxo
