Gossip Girl here.

Your one and only source for the truth behind the scandalous lives of New York's elite. Been a minute. Did you miss me? I know I've missed you. Though you're probably going to wish I'd stayed away when I'm done. Because I can see you. The real you. The one hiding just outside the edge of frame. Well, it's time to reframe that picture. And who am I? That's one secret I'll never tell.

You know you love me.

. . .


Well, well, well! Looks like our H is getting more comfortable in the role of her life... Flashing smiles left and right, as if she didn’t just show up on the red carpet as the plus-one of a certain handsome, disgustingly rich guy we’ve all been crushing on since he recited French poems in first grade. I think this fairytale fits her perfectly, but... Word on the street is that her real self is catching up to her. Will the secret finally come out? And how will her Prince Charming react to it all? After all, she’s a sweet, hardworking girl, always there to offer a shoulder to cry on over coffee... Maybe this story really will have a fairytale ending. Well, we’ll see. Whether it’s “happily ever after” or not, you know I’ll be here to spill all the tea... or coffee!

You can't hide from me.


23 III 1974 & 2 VI 1975 —— w związku małżeńskim od 1997 roku —— para, której nigdy nie dotknęły żadne skandale —— dbający o prywatność —— wspaniali jako mąż i żona, tragiczni w roli ojca oraz matki —— wysokie oczekiwania —— zakochani w pierwszych dwóch córkach, zobojętniali w stosunku do najmłodszej —— zamiatanie pod dywan sposobem na wszystko —— spalone mosty —— if I love you, is that a fact or a weapon?

13 V 1997 & 18 II 1999 —— żona słynnego neurochirurga, sama będąca wschodzącym rekinem wśród prawników & sprytna posiadaczka udziałów w firmie ojca, szykująca się do przejęcia imperium —— idealne córki, inteligentne oraz na pierwszym miejscu stawiające imię rodziny —— dobre kontakty z siostrą uległy zmianie po wielkiej kłótni w domu —— pozostała tylko cisza —— memory fills my body as much as blood and bones

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